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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Yanai Postelnik's Dharma Talks at Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
Yanai Postelnik
Yanai Postelnik has been engaged in full-time dharma practice and service since 1990. He is inspired by the Thai forest tradition and nourished by time spent in nature, and has been teaching retreats around the world for over 25 years. Yanai is a member of the Guiding Teacher Council of Gaia House, in Devon, England, and of the Core Faculty of Insight Meditation Society, Massachusetts. Since 2018, Yanai has been engaged with Extinction Rebellion, seeking to bring about urgent change in the face of the climate and ecological emergency, in the service of all beings.
2019-07-10 Love in the Time of Extinction: Dharma Practice, Climate, Ecology and Non-Violent Civil Disobedience 65:00
How practices of awakening and compassion converge with conscientiously choosing to disobey the law, in responding to the climate and ecological emergency we face. What does dharma practice look like in the face of a Climate and Ecological emergency? How do the Buddha’s wisdom teachings and compassionate practices empower us to meet this crisis? How do we keep our heart open while engaging with our inner responses and the outer situation?
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies

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