The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
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2023-09-18 Discussion on Compassion, Activism, etc. 54:00
John Dunne
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies The Mind: A Buddhist Exploration

2023-09-17 Nagarjuna 1:20:37
John Dunne
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies The Mind: A Buddhist Exploration

2023-09-17 Discussion including Self-Compassion Abhidharma No-Self Analysis Part 2 64:30
John Dunne
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies The Mind: A Buddhist Exploration

2023-09-17 Discussion including Self-Compassion Abhidharma No-Self Analysis Part 1 47:20
John Dunne
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies The Mind: A Buddhist Exploration

2023-09-16 Consciousness and No-Self Part 2 51:08
John Dunne
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies The Mind: A Buddhist Exploration

2023-09-16 Consciousness and No-Self Part 1 53:23
John Dunne
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies The Mind: A Buddhist Exploration

2023-09-16 Overview 1:45:28
John Dunne
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies The Mind: A Buddhist Exploration

2023-09-15 Introduction 1:17:50
John Dunne
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies The Mind: A Buddhist Exploration

2023-09-12 Tuesday morning: Closing, Staying Connected 11:09
Willa Miller
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Rewilding the Soul: Mindfulness with Nature as Your Guide

2023-09-12 Tuesday morning: Meditation Instructions 26:18
Willa Miller
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Rewilding the Soul: Mindfulness with Nature as Your Guide

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