The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
2018-04-20 Lecture 13 1:21:54
Bhikkhu Analayo
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Nibbāna: The Mind Stilled
Attached Files:
  • Nibbana - Lecture 13 by Bhikkhu Analayo (PDF)

2018-04-13 Lecture 12 1:25:29
Bhikkhu Analayo
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Nibbāna: The Mind Stilled
Attached Files:
  • Nibbana - Lecture 12 by Bhikkhu Analayo (PDF)

2017-12-10 Balance & Strength in Difficult Conversations: The Simile of Saw 40:22
Oren Jay Sofer
An exploration of MN.21, The Simile of the Saw as a teaching on right relationship and wise speech.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Right Speech: Words That Lead to Awakening

2017-12-09 The Deep Freedom of Human Needs 59:50
Oren Jay Sofer
How do hold the teachings on letting go, non-attachment and non-self with the reality of having needs as a human being. What are needs and how do we relate to them with wisdom in a world that is beyond our control, neither suppressing and denying them nor becoming overly fixated or identified with them?
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Right Speech: Words That Lead to Awakening

2017-12-09 Guided Meditation: Exploring Needs 32:38
Oren Jay Sofer
Using attention to identify an unmet need, and to shift to recognizing what matters at the core independent of any situation, time, person, place, or thing.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Right Speech: Words That Lead to Awakening

2017-12-08 Crafting our Words, Shaping the Heart 55:28
Oren Jay Sofer
Right Speech is a key factor in the cultivation of the Noble Eightfold Path, shaping the heart and mind even as the heart-mind shapes our speech. Our intention is the decisive factor in determine the direction and shape of our speech, our heart and our mind.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Right Speech: Words That Lead to Awakening

2017-12-08 Guided Meditation: Arriving and Opening to Experience 44:58
Oren Jay Sofer
Early morning guided meditation introducing the practice of samatha-vipassana.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Right Speech: Words That Lead to Awakening

2017-12-07 Words that Lead to Awakening: Right Speech and the Capacity to Connect 62:10
Oren Jay Sofer
We are social creatures with the capacities for connection, empathy, and understanding. This talk introduces the practice of Right Speech as an essential part of the path to awakening.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Right Speech: Words That Lead to Awakening

2017-07-16 Vedana (Feeling Tone) Symposium - Closing presentation 45:27
Martine Batchelor
These draft papers presented by their authors at the 2017 Vedana Symposium sponsored by the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies will be revised and published in 2018 in a special edition of the Journal of Contemporary Buddhism.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Vedana (Feeling Tone) Symposium

2017-07-15 Vedana (Feeling Tone) Symposium - Paper Presentation 58:21
Robert Busswell
These draft papers presented by their authors at the 2017 Vedana Symposium sponsored by the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies will be revised and published in 2018 in a special edition of the Journal of Contemporary Buddhism.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Vedana (Feeling Tone) Symposium

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