The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
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2017-05-12 Lecture 4 1:33:20
Bhikkhu Analayo
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Nibbāna: The Mind Stilled
Attached Files:
  • Nibbana - Lecture 4 by Bhikkhu Analayo (PDF)

2017-05-05 Lecture 3 1:24:47
Bhikkhu Analayo
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Nibbāna: The Mind Stilled
Attached Files:
  • Nibbana - Lecture 3 by Bhikkhu Analayo (PDF)

2017-04-28 Lecture 2 1:32:01
Bhikkhu Analayo
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Nibbāna: The Mind Stilled
Attached Files:
  • Nibbana - Lecture 2 by Bhikkhu Analayo (PDF)

2017-04-21 Lecture 1 1:28:12
Bhikkhu Analayo
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Nibbāna: The Mind Stilled
Attached Files:
  • Nibbana - Lecture 1 by Bhikkhu Analayo (PDF)

2017-04-02 Guided Meditation - Becoming a Refuge unto Yourself 48:17
Ajahn Sucitto
We take refuge, but we also become a refuge. The degree to which we can cultivate value, precepts and restraint, we gain an increasing sense of authority to stand against the outward pull of thought and sense desire. This strength or determination can be felt in the body. Tap into the imaginal to sense its depth.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies BCBS The Gradual Path: The Step-by-Step Way to Awakening

2017-04-02 Requirements for Movement into the Immaterial Domain 1:15:23
Ajahn Sucitto
Movement into the immaterial/vertical domain occurs through restraint, renunciation and withdrawal, but all marked by pleasure. Most supportive is a cooperative social form where other people are doing the same thing. Monasteries model this social form. Refer to D33, considered ‘Vinaya for lay people.’
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies BCBS The Gradual Path: The Step-by-Step Way to Awakening

2017-04-01 Recollecting and Enacting the Sacred 46:17
Ajahn Sucitto
The cosmos is cosmos and not chaos because of a natural order. There is an internal order too in our embodiment where the energies of ideas, thoughts and psychologies are collected in the body. But we’ve lost our embodiment, and therefore access to the moral intelligence of the body. We can regain access through enacting, remembering and recollecting.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies BCBS The Gradual Path: The Step-by-Step Way to Awakening

2017-04-01 Q&A Pt II 32:46
Ajahn Sucitto
1. How to practice last 3 of 8 precepts; recipient of one’s giving determines one’s merit – please explain; 2. how interpersonal aspect of energy affect/support one’s practice and meditation; 3. giving hand to hand vs. in disembodied ways (credit cards, etc.); 4. self consciousness around my giving’ the art of receiving has been neglected; 5. how to be with others who don’t know their own goodness
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies BCBS The Gradual Path: The Step-by-Step Way to Awakening

2017-04-01 The Field of Good Kamma and the Relational Field 21:10
Ajahn Sucitto
References to suttas about giving: A5:33-37 Benefits of giving, 5 timely gifts; A8:39 Streams of merit; A5 Good and bad gifts; A6:38 Factors of donors and recipients
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies BCBS The Gradual Path: The Step-by-Step Way to Awakening

2017-04-01 Q&A Part I 48:53
Ajahn Sucitto
Caring for aging parents; celestial realm as metaphor or actuality; those who are spontaneously reborn; sacrifice; when I know I’m not observing precepts perfectly; meditation practice feels flat; advice for caregivers in medical field; breaking through feeling bleak about the world; subjective nature of the sacred
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies BCBS The Gradual Path: The Step-by-Step Way to Awakening

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