The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
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2015-07-24 The Path of Wise Speech 67:15
Oren Jay Sofer
Introduction to practicing with Right Speech and overview of its relevance in spiritual practice. Talk ends with reflections on the triple gem (three refuges) and five precepts.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies The Path of Wise Speech: Living the Teachings

2015-03-26 Guided Meditation - Exploring the Four Satipatthanas 39:49
Bhikkhu Analayo
In what follows Bhikkhu Analayo explores the practice of the four Satipatthanas, based on combining understandings gained through academic and traditional modes of learning.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
Attached Files:
  • Exploring the Four Satipatthanas by Bhikkhu Analayo (PDF)

2014-11-03 Speech & Meditation 1:10:44
Gregory Kramer
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Insight Dialogue: Not-self and Relationship (GK4)

2014-10-01 Refuge in Sangha 46:22
Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
This talk examines both the classical and subtle meaning of going to the Sangha for refuge. The classical refuge in Sangha involves going forth into monastic life and/or turning to elders for guidance along the way. The subtle refuge involves knowing directly the happiness that comes from keeping impeccable silā.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Integrated Study and Practice Program, Session 4 (ISPP4)

2014-09-30 Refuge in Dhamma 54:59
Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
This talk examines both the classical and subtle meaning of going to the Dhamma for refuge. The classical refuge in Dhamma involves refuge in the teachings of the Buddha as set forth in the Pāli Canon. The subtle refuge involves taking refuge in things as they really are … understanding the subtle truths underlying all experience.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Integrated Study and Practice Program, Session 4 (ISPP4)

2014-09-29 Refuge in the Buddha 53:10
Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
This talk examines both the classical and subtle meaning of going to the Buddha for refuge. The classical refuge in the Buddha involves refuge in the historic Buddha, while the subtle refuge occurs whenever we rest in the simple knowing of experience.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Integrated Study and Practice Program, Session 4 (ISPP4)

2014-06-05 The Threefold Bliss 50:18
Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
The talk explores worldly or human happiness, celestial or heavenly happiness and transcendent happiness or Nibbana.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Integrated Study and Practice Program, Session 3 (ISPP3)

2014-06-04 Nuns' Tea and the First Noble Truth 39:40
Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
Using a simple example of stress in every day life, this talk examines the Buddha’s teaching on the first noble truth – particularly, “having to associate with things we don’t like, be separated from things we like, and not get what we want.” It considers the insights that accompany opening to this truth.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Integrated Study and Practice Program, Session 3 (ISPP3)

2014-06-03 Contemplating Impermanence 53:07
Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
Opening to the uncertainty of life and learning to stop expecting things to be any way other than the way they are.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Integrated Study and Practice Program, Session 3 (ISPP3)

2014-06-02 Right Understanding and Right Intention 52:54
Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia
This talk examines the classical teaching on the wisdom section of the eightfold path—right understanding/view and right intention/attitude.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Integrated Study and Practice Program, Session 3 (ISPP3)

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